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Мы продолжаем дело Анатолия Барбараша, Гильберта Линга, Эммануэля Ревича и Александра Самохоцкого и не имеем представителей, уполномоченных выступать где-либо от нашего имени или рекламировать нас. Рекомендуем пользоваться Mozilla Firefox


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Ниже вы найдете отсканированную и распознанную в FineReader статью о Ревиче из журнала Spin от февраля 1989 года. Такие вещи в наше время, да еще в текстовой форме — редкость. В целом статья не содержит чего-то такого, что бы все, кто интересуется наследием Ревича, не знали. Но некоторые подробности его терапии раскрыты очень хорошо.

Не исключаем, что где-то в тексте могут попасться огрехи распознавания — если обнаружите, сообщайте, пожалуйста.


На этой фотографии Ревичу 92 года.

His patients call him a savior, and the AMA calls him a snake-oil salesman. But Dr. Emanuel Revici, in more than 60 years of clinical research, has formulated a medical philosophy, and a system of non-toxic treatments, that could help bring an end to AIDS and cancer.

Article by Dennis Reid McMillan  Photograph by Dan Howell

In 1971, Richard Nixon “declared war on cancer” by signing the National Cancer Act. The U.S. government has since spent more than $20 billion on cancer research. Yet, in that period, age-adjusted cancer death rates have not gotten better, but worse, leading Harvard Medical School biostatistician John Baylar to conclude, in a recent controversial article in “The New England Journal of Medicine” that we are losing the war on cancer.

Several forms of cancer are associated with AIDS and AIDS-related condition. So, if we are losing the war on cancer, we can certainly agree that we are being slaughtered mercilessly in our battle against AIDS and ARC.

The tragedy of the senseless losses to AIDS and cancer is that there are alternative medical approaches that just might win the battle once and for all. But, rather than focus our energy on a united all-out war against the diseases, doctors, scientists, and many people with AIDS have engaged in a civil war that has divided our troops and brought bickering rather than cooperation, sapping the strength we so desperately need during this epidemic era.

Dr. Emanuel Revici, founder and Scientific Director of the Institute of Applied Biology in New York City, is one of the unsung heroes of the war on catastrophic disease. He has developed a unique treatment for AIDS and cancer and all manner of life-threatening illnesses, utilizing safe, non-toxic chemotherapy and nutritional supplements. His approach is attributed with innumerable remissions and recoveries from usually fatal diseases.

Of the 282 AIDS and ARC patients he has treated in the past six years, fewer than 40 have died, and most have experienced measurable, positive change.

Distinct from today’s Newtonian, cause-and-effect approach to medicine, the 92-year-old physician, biochemist, and theorist does not deal with treatment of the disease, but rather with an holistic treatment aimed at re-establishing balance and enabling the body to heal itself. The son of a distinguished physician in Bucharest, Romania, Revici graduated first in his class in medical school before moving to the U.S. to embark upon a career of research into treatments and theories well outside of the medical mainstream.

Revici has developed a completely new system of medicine, diagnostics, and pharmacology by going back over 5000 years into Oriental philosophy and medicine, combining this Eastern approach with the quantum physics of Albert Einstein. The essence of both Eastern, yin-yang philosophy and Einstein’s physics is a dualistic view of the universe — two opposite polarities complementing and opposing each other, together achieving and sustaining balance.

Revici uses the dualistic terms “anabolic” and “catabolic” to describe the processes the human system goes through to attain a similar balance. When in an anabolic state, the body is in a positively-charged, building-up phase — a phase of synthesis and repair; when in catabolic state, the body is negatively-charged — breaking down with energy production and digestion. A state of good health is one in which a balance of anabolic and catabolic is maintained. Conversely, a state of disease exists when either anabolic or catabolic is exaggerated. In addition there is an acid/alkaline balance known as “pH” that must be maintained, says Revici. Anabolic activity tends to alkalinize the body, raising the pH, while catabolic activity has an acidifying effect, lowering the pH.

In a healthy person, anabolic and catabolic activity rise and fall in a 24-hour period, so that just the right amount of energy is expended during the day, and necessary repair occurs during sleep. Restoration of balance in the body’s pH when it is fluctuating to either too acid or too alkaline, or predominantly anabolic or catabolic, is achieved through the injection of safe, non-toxic lipids.

Revici explains that lipids, or fatty acids, are vital to the body’s immune system, enabling the body to protect and boost production of its “helper” T-cells. (T-cells are components of the immune system often depleted in PWA’s. Produced in the thymus gland, T-cells help guide and coordinate the healthy functioning of the immune system.) AL721 is itself a lipidic treatment, It is a combination of three active lipids (AL) extracted from chicken eggs and blended in a ratio of seven parts to two parts to one part (whence the numbers 721). Like Revici’s formulas, AL721 is non-toxic, shows no side effects, and is relatively inexpensive.

While science is only beginning to acknowledge the role of lipids in defending the body against disease, Revici has been working for 65 years in the field.

Revici has found that non-toxic lipidic agents can be administered to restore balance in a diseased system. Anabolic imbalance can be treated with lipid acids and sulfur, selenium, magnesium, and lipid-copper compounds. To balance catabolic dominance, lipid alcohols and lithium, zinc, and iron compounds are prescribed. Revici has found that the elements in the Periodic Table correspond with either anabolic or catabolic activity. The heavier metals have been found to be the most effective in treatment, and Revici has developed a number of formulas combining lipids and some of these elements.

Many conventionally trained physicians are amazed at the multiple pathological imbalances which Revici treats with a single medication. Since the body is limited in the number and types of symptoms it can express, one lipidic medicine may apply to several seemingly unrelated diseases. The doctor cited five examples: migraine, sunburn, shock, hemorrhage, and pneumonia — all medicated with the same non-toxic formula. To a great extent, Revici’s treatments render current diagnostic labels unnecessary. Unfortunately, many people do no easily relinquish this crutch, finding solace in having a label to pin to their illness, no matter how meaningless the word may be.

Revici’s AIDS treatment program has four phases. First, the patient is injected with antiviral agents to treat the primary viral infection. Then the immune deficiency is treated with refractory (disease-fighting) lipids. Next, the secondary opportunistic disease (most commonly KS — Kaposi’s Sarcoma, the purplish lesions common in AIDS — or PCP, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia) is medicated with antibiotics, antimicrobial, or antifungal agents. Finally, the anabolic/catabolic immune system imbalance is diagnosed and treated. Revici has found that most KS comes from anabolic imbalance, while most other opportunistic diseases are catabolic.

Revici’s system appears to the layman, and to his thousands of satisfied patients, as nothing short of miraculous. But quite the opposite opinion is held by many conventional, card-carrying American Medical Association (AMA) physicians. Part of Revici’s unpopularity in the medical establishment is that his is individually guided non-toxic chemotherapy, where the substances and dosages vary for each patient, and may have to change as often as day to day if the imbalance so indicates. Such methodology contradicts the conventional, so-called “magic bullet” approach — treatment reduced to a formula — where a quick scan of the Physician’s Desk Reference matches symptoms with disease and prescribed medication.

Unlike physicians using more orthodox treatment, the doctor in Revici’s system is the patient’s partner, not his all-knowing, godlike superior whose word is Truth and judgment final. Regular monitoring and frequent analysis is required, and the patient takes far more responsibility in the monitoring process than in mainstream medicine. He or she must measure and chart pH changes several times a day, as well as test for specific gravity, surface tension, and chloride levels.

Some patients find a sort of comfort in completely handing over their care to their doctor. Still others do not have the patience to stick with one treatment approach, often haphazardly switching from one treatment to another, and finally resorting to taking toxic medicines such as AZT.

Ironically, AZT — a treatment that breaks down lipids, hinders blood production in the bone marrow, and requires frequent transfusions — is the only drug which the FDA has approved for treating AIDS (although when it was originally developed for cancer therapy 17 years ago, AZT was shelved because of its toxicity). Yet, the non-toxic lipids are under strict scrutiny by the FDA, still unapproved.

The Institute’s AIDS Program Coordinator, Kenneth Bunch, says Revici will not treat patients who are currently taking AZT. In addition to the drug’s toxicity, Bunch explains, “AZT will totally destroy the lipids”.

Impressive results have been documented when Revici’s refractory medicines are administered to AIDS patients. 'In pneumocystis pneumonia and other opportunistic infections, manifest favorable changes are often obtained in less than 24 hours. Revici claims, adding that antiviral treatments and refractory lipids “have kept patients entirely without any symptoms for years”.

One of Revici’s AIDS patients is a 38-year-old man who began treatment for KS in February, 1984. In testimony before a hearing called by the New York delegation to Congress last March, he claimed that, by October, 1984, his lesions had almost all disappeared. At one point, he said he stopped treatment for a few weeks, and the lesions appeared. After going back on the treatment, the new lesions disappeared. His T-cell count, he said, also rose dramatically (from 370 to 564).

In another case history, Revici relates how he completely restored the health of Andrew Hamilton, a young man who had been unable to walk — paralyzed on the right side of his body with a brain tumor. He was told by his medical team at Johns Hopkins Hospital that there was nothing to be done but go home and die. “After six months of treatment he was driving a motorcycle, perfectly normal”, says Revici.

“I have no side-effects, no regrets. Everything’s in working order. I’m alive. I’m happy. I’m fat”, says Hamilton gleefully.

Revici patient Robert Wilden was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in the jaw by doctors at New York’s Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital, with the recommendation of major surgery to his head and face. Rather than submit to the disfiguring operation or the adverse effects of radiation and chemotherapy, Wilden chose to be treated by Revici. His tumor shrunk by 50 percent, with no adverse side-effects, and he now leads a healthy, active life. “I am one of many whose life has been threatened by disease”, says Wilden, “and who has found in Dr. Revici a method of treatment that offers hope and health where the traditionally accepted forms of treatment offer little of either.”

Although his work has been primarily in the New York area, Revici and his West Coast patients want to train doctors and set up protocols in California. So far, two doctors in Corte Madera, just outside of San Francisco, have set up a small clinic last year, modeled on the Institute of Applied Biology in New York, and they already have a thriving clientele.

“I believe that this method represents the future of medicine,” asserts Revici, through a thick Romanian accent. “I am pretentious, yes, but this is 60 years of working”.

Revici has been referred to by many a patient and colleague as having Albert Einstein’s intellect and Albert Schweitzer’s compassion. But, despite stories of amazing successes, Revici does not consider himself a miracle-worker. “I am a physician which (sic) want to help, in spite of my age. I fight day and night to help people. That is all”.

Dorothy Britt, Revici’s receptionist, says the doctor does not exaggerate in saying that he works day and night with his patients. Britt’s daughter was successfully treated by Revici seven years ago for an allegedly terminal brain tumor. Britt was so grateful that she volunteered as Revici’s receptionist. “That man never sleeps”, she says. “He sees sometimes up to 55 patients a day..., and I can tell you honestly, I don’t think he gets paid for half of them. The people in the office, we’re always after him, because we don’t know how we are going to keep this place open if we don’t start charging people.

”Revici says he lives off his social security benefits alone. “I don’t receive one dollar from patients: all goes to the Institute for research.” Ironically, however, Revici, the Institute, and its lawyers have had to waste more than $450,000 fighting AMA bureaucrats and their attorneys, who, along with New York State regulators, have tried to yank his license.

Revici’s unorthodox billing practices are only one of the reasons AMA traditionalists want the doctor out of the business. In an age where the Hippocratic Oath has deteriorated into the Hypocritical Oath, many conventional doctors seem to respond to new ideas with fear — fear for the sanctity of their theories, their equipment, their status, and their exorbitant fees — all of which are threatened by Revici’s unconventional, affordable, non-traumatic, individually-tailored healing system. (Like most alternative medications, including AL721, the non-toxic lipidic medicine has not been approved by the FDA, but it is allowable under a New York law that permits licensed physicians to prepare non-toxic formulas for their patients).

This protective fear has often found its expression in the courtroom. In “Schneider v. Revici” Long Island doctor and lawyer Harvey Wachsman, attempted to sue Revici with three claims of malpractice, fraud, and failure to give informed consent. After a two-week trial, the jury rejected each count of fraud, nullified any claim of lack of informed consent, and threw out the punitive damages petition. The judge directed the jury to find malpractice, but Revici’s attorney, Sam Abady, took the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals and reversed that decision.

As a result of the appeal, a landmark precedent was established. The court wrote: “We see no reason why a patient should not be allowed to make an informed decision to go outside currently approved medical methods, in search of an unconventional treatment. While a patient should be encouraged to exercise care for his own safety, we believe that an informed decision to avoid surgery and conventional chemotherapy is within the patient’s rights to determine what shall be done with his own body.”

It was a tremendous victory for advocates of alternative medicine. But the attempts of narrow-minded opponents to revoke Revici’s license have not ceased, Abady explains: “The forces at work to try and limit access by patients to non-conventional cancer care are formidable indeed. The reason is, as with all mavericks in an age where knowledge is limited, [Revici] is a tremendous threat, because the sacred cows of traditional modes of treatment are not the modalities that he uses, but they are the prevailing modalities through which the medical establishment — “cancer-crats”, the cancer bureaucracy — earns millions and millions of dollars every year.”

Revici would rather assist the body to heal itself, through a diligent, time-consuming, holistic process, than cutting, burning, and/or poisoning the disease. Traditional solutions of surgery, radiation, and toxic chemo­therapy have been shown in case after case to cause extreme physical and emotional trauma, often exacerbating the symptoms and speeding progression to an excruciatingly painful and tremendously expensive, death.

There are some cancer organizations, however, that see the value in Revici’s work. On July 5, 1987, at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, the Cancer Control Society presented its Humanitarian Award to Revici, “compassionate physician and internationally acclaimed research scientist, whose theories and medical discoveries have changed the directions in the non-toxic treatment and control of cancer and AIDS”.

The certificate added, “You [Revici] have refused to be compromised by a half-century of misguided opposition to your medical discoveries. Through your genius, courage, and generosity, renewed life has been given to thousands.”

Is there, then, any hope that this physician, whom most patients call a savior and many AMA bureaucrats describe as a snake-oil salesman, will ever be given the recognition he evi­dently deserves?

If history repeats itself, the answer may be yes. Dr. Coley, highly recognized for his Coley’s toxin, a valid biologic approach to cancer, was considered a charlatan and a fraud only a decade ago. Today he is known in oven the most conventional circles as the father of cancer immunology.

Perhaps, then, Dr. Emanuel Revici will one day be known as the father of non-toxic chemotherapy who helped end the devastating age of AIDS.

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Андрей Стацкевич, 15.11.2013